Fujifilm X-T30 50mmF2  f/2.8 1/125 sec ISO500  FilmSim - Provia

This photograph was captured in May of 2019, during our time in Tucson, AZ. Our focus was on documenting a remarkable migrant shelter known as Benedictine Monastery. A once-vacant old church, it had graciously opened its doors to asylum seekers, offering a comprehensive program to assist migrants in their journey to various destinations within the United States. Orchestrating this entire operation was a man named Diego Pina Lopez, a testament to the power of volunteerism.
We set out early, before the break of dawn, eager to seize the first rays of sunlight and capture the exterior of the church. I distinctly recall the profound stillness that enveloped the desert surroundings, broken only by the gentle whispers of the wind and the faint creaking of aged objects. As breakfast hour approached, the atmosphere gradually transformed. Footsteps mingled with soft voices, and a procession of dedicated volunteers, spanning all ages, arrived in their vehicles, preparing themselves for a day of vital work. My role entailed traversing the premises, capturing supplementary footage of the monastery's bustling activity—every arrival, every moment of residence, every departure. I would meander ceaselessly, cautiously intruding, ensuring that those within my lens were at ease. Fortunately, as is often the case in my photographic endeavors, most individuals were unperturbed by the camera's presence.
In this particular recollection, I ascended to the top floor, meandering through hallways until I turned a corner, suddenly bathed in the warm glow of light spilling from a room into the surrounding darkness. Faint voices wafted through the air, drawing me closer, curious about the unfolding scene. And then, as if on cue, a young girl emerged, clutching a dress in her tiny hands. Radiant with sheer joy, she twirled and spun, gracefully tracing circles along the hallway, her makeshift stage. With every turn, she pressed the fabric against her body, pretending to be adorned in its beauty. In that very instant, captured by my lens, she showcased her newfound treasure to a watchful guardian.
In that fleeting moment, a myriad of thoughts coursed through my mind. What did this dress represent to her? Could it have been her first garment since departing her homeland? Perhaps it was a cherished dress, now lovingly cleansed. This poignant encounter prompted introspection, reminding me of the abundance that often escapes our notice. We are swept up in the relentless momentum of life, seldom pausing to acknowledge and appreciate the vastness of our blessings. It is precisely why I hold children in such high regard—their unwavering ability to find wonder and value in the simplest of moments. When was the last time I experienced such profound appreciation, such unadulterated love for something? These instants, the ones that reveal the essence of humanity, reaffirm the profound significance of being a documentary photographer. We are granted a glimpse into the lives of others, allowing us to reflect, learn, and emerge as better versions of ourselves.
Thus, I implore you, as you embark on your own photographic endeavors, whether on the bustling streets, amidst wedding celebrations, or within the realm of documentary exploration, take a pause. Allow yourself to observe and empathize with those you photograph, to delve into their experiences and immerse yourself in their worlds. Strive to encapsulate the very essence of their being within a single frame. Whether your image successfully conveys this essence is subjective, reliant on the viewer's perception. However, when you revisit that image, let it transport you back to that fleeting moment, reigniting the emotions and experiences once captured. For it is in those precious instances that we find true connection, both with

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