Fujifilm X-T2 35mmF1.4  f/1.41/125 sec ISO200  FilmSim - Provia
The sun ascends higher, casting its warm glow upon the awakening city, while the familiar scent of traffic permeates the streets. In harmony with the dawn, the sound of old gates releasing their locks fills the air, granting passage to the world beyond. Sidewalks welcome the steady rhythm of commuters' footsteps, marking the cadence of their well-worn routines. Amidst these familiar rituals, a man comfortably sits, resembling a perched frog outside his home. He gazes into an image of himself, not quite prepared to fully commit to the day ahead. His desire is to glimpse into the past and preview what lies ahead. He diligently searches for ways to save even a penny and eagerly anticipates finding humor tucked away in a few boxes. Although the sun has risen, for him, the day is just beginning.
I took this photo a few years ago, and it remains one of my favorite street photographs. I used to frequent Chinatown in LA for street photography, as it is one of those vibrant places that offers a rich tapestry of urban life. What I love about this particular photo is that it captures a genuine slice of life. It's a moment that transcends time and place, where an individual carries on with their daily routine, seemingly unaffected by the rapid advancement of technology.
Interestingly, this photo was taken vertically, which is a rarity for me. Growing up on movies, I developed a habit of seeing the world horizontally. However, in this instance, it worked perfectly. It was fortunate that the subject was using the light to read the paper, and the stairs, although dimly lit, had a source of light at the top that provided context. The handrail acts as a guide, leading the viewer's eyes to the man, whose tilted head directs attention to his hand and the pointed finger, ultimately drawing focus to the paper he is reading. Additionally, his attire suggests that he is partially dressed for work, with dress pants, an undershirt, socks, and a nice watch. His gelled-back hair signifies that this is a deliberate part of his daily routine, an important moment before he embarks on his day. And, of course, the standout element is his squat, a position uncommon in our part of the world, yet he appears completely comfortable with his feet flat on the ground.
There is one aspect of this frame that I ponder: the actual frame on the right side of the image. I experimented with cropping it, but it didn't feel right. I have a personal inclination against cropping images, as it deviates from the exact way I saw the scene. Whether this is a positive or negative inclination is subjective, but it's the approach I adhere to. For me, the door frame on the right helps to further frame the scene, providing additional context and aiding our perception of the man's location within the environment.
I wonder if he even knew that I was there. He seemed so engrossed in what he was doing that he probably didn't notice my presence. Oblivious to the fact, he carried on with his day, unaware that someone had captured this image of him.

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